- Long-life diamond burs
- Quality control tested
- High precision with efficient cutting
- used for cutting where there is less debris.
- use for grinding.
- Sectioning multi-rooted teeth. reducing crown height.
- Fine quality Diamond Burs
- Efficient cutting
Mani Diamond Burs are specialized dental instruments featuring a stainless steel working part coated with fine diamond crystals. These rotary grinding instruments are specifically designed for precision work on hard tissues, including teeth and bones, making them indispensable tools in the field of dentistry. They are compatible with dental handpieces, allowing for controlled and efficient use during various dental procedures. In addition to their primary dental applications, Dental Mani Diamond Burs exhibit versatility as they can also be used for grinding a wide range of other hard materials. This includes metals, plastics, and porcelain, making them valuable assets not only in dental practices but also in various industrial and laboratory settings where precise material removal is required. Their fine diamond crystal coating ensures durability and long-lasting performance, making them a reliable choice for professionals seeking accuracy and efficiency in their work.
Key Specifications
- Shank Material: Stainless steel.
- Shank Type: Friction grip
- Shap: Ball Collar
- Working Part: Fine diamond crystals attached to the metal base.
- Pack of 5 Burs
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