"Ceramic laminates training course" is a comprehensive and practical training for dentists and professionals who seek to strengthen their knowledge and skills in the field of ceramic laminates. This course deals in detail with topics such as material selection, design and preparation steps, laminate placement techniques and cementing principles.
With a focus on therapeutic principles and innovative methods, participants can learn how to perform more natural and durable laminations and create superior aesthetic and functional results for their patients.
Features of the ceramic laminates training course:
Getting to know the principles of tooth design and preparation for ceramic laminates.
Teaching the selection of materials and suitable coloring of laminates.
Applied techniques for bonding and cementing laminates.
Suitable for general dentists and cosmetic dentists.
Duration of the course: 16 hours and 22 minutes of English language studio training by Dr. Mauro Fradeani
Advantages of the ceramic lamination training course:
Basic learning through video tutorials and clinical cases.
Strengthening practical skills in the field of ceramic laminates.
Improving therapeutic and cosmetic results in patients.
By participating in this course, you will strengthen your knowledge and skills in the implementation of ceramic laminates and reach a higher level of expertise and confidence in this field.
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