
Nutrigenomix in UAE | Review research, services and benefits

Nutrigenomix in UAE

Nutrition is one of the basic factors affecting human health and quality of life. However, research shows that general nutritional recommendations are not true for everyone and have different effects on each person. These differences are due to the genetic factors of each person. For example, if two people follow the same diet under the same conditions, their changes will be different. But today, with the advancement of technology, the concept of “nutrigenomics” or nutrition based on genetics is considered a new approach to improving nutrition and health. In this science, the food plan of each person is determined and determined according to his genetics. For more information and familiarity with this science, in this article, we examine the effects of Nutrigenomix in UAE and improving health and nutrition.

Research conducted on Nutrigenomix in UAE

One recent research in the field of Nutrigenomix, in the form of a randomized controlled trial, was conducted on different people. This research showed that the genetically based diet is more effective than the general diets. In this research, people who received nutritional recommendations based on the Nutrigenomix genetic test had better changes in their diet, which led to improved health and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Research conducted on Nutrigenomix in UAE

Research conducted on Nutrigenomix in UAE

Nutrigenomix services in UAE

Nutrigenomix in UAE offers a wide range of services in genetic testing and nutrition. These services include comprehensive tests for health and wellness, athletic performance, and fertility. Among the services provided by Nutrigenomix are:

  • DNA collection tests
  • Isolation of DNA
  • Genetic analysis in CLIA-certified and CAP-approved laboratories
  • Providing customized reports based on the latest scientific evidence

Benefits and effects of Nutrigenomix

As a new tool in the field of nutrition and health, Nutrigenomix has significant effects and benefits for people. Some of these benefits include:

1. Adjusting personal diet

One of the main advantages of Nutrigenomix in UAE is to provide customized solutions for each person based on their genetics. With genetic analysis, Nutrigenomix gives people detailed information about how food affects their health and performance. This information can help people optimize their diet and eliminate foods that are not suitable for their genetics.

2. Increase motivation and adherence

Research shows that people who follow genetic nutritional advice are more motivated and stick to their diet than people who follow generic advice. This is due to a better understanding of the effects of food on your genetics and the direct connection between the consumption of certain foods and the improvement of your personality.

3. Reducing the risk of chronic diseases

With the information provided by Nutrigenomix in UAE, people can adjust their diet to reduce the risk of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. These measures include choosing food according to one’s genetics, controlling the consumption of harmful food, and increasing the consumption of useful food.


Nutrigenomix in UAE is a nutritional science using each person’s genetics. Research shows that genetics-based nutritional recommendations can improve diet and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. This approach not only helps people choose the best diet for themselves but also increases their motivation and adherence to nutritional changes. As a result, Nutrigenomix can be one of the main solutions to improving health and nutrition in the UAE and around the world.

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